11 ways for you to make money online

As a student I advise you not to waste your time on online games, facebook, chat … because it does not make sense to you. Take the online account of his time to start making money online extra income to cover daily living. Through making money online is that you can draw on the practical experience can best be applied when you start to work in the future. In this article, I will present to you 11 easy ways students can make money online.
1. Make Money Online with Youtube
Today if you want to upload a video to share with your friends on your mind is always thinking first Youtube. YouTube video-sharing website online is considered the largest current, so if you want to make money online from their own videos, then YouTube is an ideal place for you. You can create video tutorials, videos and blogs can monetize it with Google adsense. You will not only be paid for ad clicks, but also for your video views. But to get that, you have to become a Youtube partner. Currently, for the account of Vietnam has not been accepted Youtube anymore but you can refer to the following article:
How to become a youtube partner

2. Create a blog and start writing Blog
Blogging to make money online is the easiest way, you can create a free blog with Blogger, WordPress … But when you have money blogging takes 2-3 months time terms to attract visitors. It is also the most difficult period of time for a blogger, a lot of people can not stand this test should give up halfway. So if you overcome this difficult time means that your blog has gained a foothold in the heart of the readers. Now that does not mean you stop writing the blog that started to make money online, this is the amount you must perform in parallel so both write a lot more, money will begin to rise proportionately.
3. Write A Book
This is also a method for on-line is quite interesting, if you have the ability to write, you should choose this method. This job does not require you to go to your office or company, you are completely self time and amount of work to do every day. Income is based on the number of books you sell.
4. Make Money Online with Hubpages / Squidoo
HubPages and Squidoo is the top blogging sites allow users to make money from their articles with Adsense. You may post about any topic at any HubPages and Squidoo. Once you publish your articles and quality articles that you will get thousands of views your article so that it will increase hits to Adsense. If you have an Adsense account, you can consider to start making money online with HubPages and Squidoo.
This is really a good choice for those who do not want to build personal blog and for anyone who does not know SEO but want to make money online. All you need to do is link to Adsense account and your income will increase.
5. Data Entry – Work from home
This is a popular method of making money and it is very much most people apply. You just type the text (all data are provided), remove the errors and adjust text format articles accordingly. However, it is your job to create the feeling of boredom so you need to consider when choosing this method.
6. Paid to click
If you are a child or a teenager, you do not know anything about technology as Blog, SEO, but you want to make money online is Paid to click is the easiest way for you to do that. To receive money from paid to click programs all you need to do is click, really simple. But it also has some problems as follows:
– The number of ads is very low, only get 4-5 ads per day.
– The proceeds for every click took 0.01 dollars.
But on the other hand if you have a system ref (who was recommended enrolling paid to click) of you, you will earn 50% commission from them.
7. Make money online with Adsense
Adsense is the leading ad network in the world today. If you have a website or blog in English Adsense is a good choice. Adsense pay per click on your ad. Payment (check) directly to your address.
8. Selling products on Ebay and Amazon
Ebay and Amazon is the leading site for people to advertise their products for sale. And if someone likes your product and then buyers will contact you to purchase. And if your good products and reasonable prices compared to the same products, the revenue that you earn will not be small.
9. Join answering questions are paid
If you have specialized knowledge of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Astronomical … you can participate in answering their questions. All you need to do is provide them with the most accurate answer. There are many websites that provide questions and answers and a lot of your recruitment website to answer those questions.
10. Playing games for money
Sounds crazy but it’s true, there are many game sites to pay tens of millions of gamers to test their games. After playing the game you can share your experience of what you like and dislike. Basically it is a battle last turn before checking the game is launched. The payment of tens of millions of gamers and then collected hundreds of millions from the game, it is a beneficial strategy for both gamers and game owners.
11. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is one of the simplest ways to get your income. When you affiliate marketing to promote a product or a certain service. The purchase or use the product through your link, then the company will pay for your products by a certain percentage.
Here are ways you can make money online, do not waste your time on online games, facebook, chat … Because these things do not bring you any sense to make you lose your valuable time. Body wish you success!

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